Candleberry Christmas Eve


The essence of an effervescent red wine, with a velvety bouquet of juicy citrus, sweet candied fruits, and warm spice.

Scent Notes:
Top: Bayberry, Clove, Sparkling Citrus
Middle: Raspberry, Black Currant, Strawberry, Apricot
Base: Rose Hips, Vineyard Vines, Creamy Tonka

THE PAINTING: Christmas Eve, 1880This painting transports you to a tranquil winter night aglow with moonlit snow. The Hoover family gathers, immersed in the season's delights, warmed by spiced wassail and the crackling fire. Eager anticipation fills the air as they await the morrow's routines. Step into this enchanting scene, where family, winter's charm, and Christmas magic unite in perfect harmony.
